Blog #4 BLM - Six Clauses

After reading through the article it is evident that the people wishing to protest in these areas are feeling like their First Amendment rights are being restricted.  The people of these cities feel as if they have the right to peacefully protest at any point during the day, not during just set hours enforced by the government.  

Another clause of the First Amendment that people feel are being violated includes freedom of the press. 
The article mentions are reporter who is afraid to do his job for fear of being stopped after the curfew.  Even though he has a badge, it isn't police accredited so he would likely run into a problem.  These reporters feel like they're being restrained from being out and reporting to their communities.  

One of the other clauses of the First Amendment involved in this article is the Establishment Clause which has three main components to it. The first thing it prohibits is the government from announcing one official religion.  The next is similar in involving the government favoring one religion over the other.  The last thing this clause prohibits is the government favoring religion over non-religion or vice versus.  This is the portion that is relevant to the article. People are arguing that since an exemption was put into place allowing for people to travel to religious gatherings after the permitted hours, the government is supporting government over non-government affairs.  If this is true for religious gatherings, based on the Establishment Clause, it should also hold true for political and cultural gatherings, as well.  

Overall, I think this article does a really good job of analyzing the true impact of the curfews being placed all around the nation during this time.  At first, it seems like a 'simple' solution, but when looking beyond just the surface, one can see that there are many discrepancies that may be seen as violation of ones First Amendment rights.  


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