Final Blog Post - Online Presence Part 2

As I touched about on my other blog post, I believe that members of today's society are too overindulged in their social media.  Worrying about impressing people, living the "best" most "Instagrammable" lifestyle.  This constant worrying and trying to keep up, while not remaining true to yourself, leads to an increase in the cases of anxiety, depression, and unhealthy obsessions emerging. 

Something I didn't dive too deep into previously is the concept of sharing personal information on the internet and having companies acquire your information.  I always find it annoying how my mailbox fills up with these catalogs and advertisements, my email fills up with online sales and coupons, even my Instagram feed projects advertisements for thing I've just been talking about with my friends (even though thats a whole other topic in itself!).  I do feel that it would be really smart to make a fake Gmail account just for purchasing and other online activity.  I sort of do this already, utilizing an old Gmail rather than my professional one, however the account is still linked to my name and probably my phone number too.  

As I also touched upon previously, I'm super conscious about what I post on my social platforms, and I always have been.  I was fortunate to grow up with my mother constantly pestering this into me, "Don't post anything you wouldn't want your future boss to see!" I know for some of my friends, this wasn't the case.  They all post pictures of them out drinking, partying, doing things they legally probably shouldn't be doing.  Even if there isn't physical paraphernalia in the image, sometimes just the attire or pose of the people can project the same line of thinking.  I have also gone as far as doing these types of searches for myself, and I'm happy with the results that come up. I really don't think I've ever posted something of me drinking or smoking (probably because I genuinely don't engage in either activity) and I really hope I never portrayed myself as being racist or demeaning of any sorts! I hope I never run into this issue and I hope my friends will be able to land their dream jobs in the future, even though I am concerned that their social presence can come back to haunt them one day.  

As an event planner who also has experience with marketing and some social media experience, I know that a lot of my future job responsibilities may include me managing social media accounts.  Because of this, I believe I should have a strong and positive social media presence myself to prove I'm capable of running the accounts and doing my job in an appropriate way.  Even if I were one to party and drink every night, I really don't think I would post it or even take photos to document it just because I'm a huge believe that soooo many people can see that, and it can be taken as a reflection of who you are, even if you're just trying to act or pose a certain way to look "cool."


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