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Final Blog Post - Online Presence Part 2

As I touched about on my other blog post, I believe that members of today's society are too overindulged in their social media.  Worrying about impressing people, living the "best" most "Instagrammable" lifestyle.  This constant worrying and trying to keep up, while not remaining true to yourself, leads to an increase in the cases of anxiety, depression, and unhealthy obsessions emerging.  Something I didn't dive too deep into previously is the concept of sharing personal information on the internet and having companies acquire your information.  I always find it annoying how my mailbox fills up with these catalogs and advertisements, my email fills up with online sales and coupons, even my Instagram feed projects advertisements for thing I've just been talking about with my friends (even though thats a whole  other topic in itself!).  I do feel that it would be really smart to make a fake Gmail account just for purchasing and other online activity.  I s

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